Wednesday, August 19, 2009

well hello

Well here I am blogging. People have always told me I am a good writer and that I should write a book but I have never wanted to because I like direct communication. I like to feel that I am actually writing to someone rather than just writing in a vacuum for later publication.

I have a lot of things to write about. I could tell you my life story which definitely is not your usual life story. I have had a lot of experiences that most people never have. I also have done, as they say. a lot of work on myself and have tried to understand the experiences that I have had and have tried to make sense of them.

Let me give you an example. I was born at home or at least someone's house. I don't know if it was our home at the time or not but I was born there. Six weeks later while my mother was living in a welfare hotel with me and my older sister and brother, the neighbors called the police because I was crying and us kids were alone and the police came and took us away from our mother. Or at least this is the story I have heard.

I was nursing at the time and was taken from my mother's breast and was put in foster care along with my sister and brother. I hesitate to use the word care because I was not cared for at all. In fact, so the story goes, the foster people took the money they got for me and spent it on beer and cigarettes and didn't feed me at all.

By the time I was six months old when the people who eventually adopted me got me I had malnutrition and ricketts. My sister and brother did not fare any better. They were in other foster homes where my sister was forced to stand out in the snow in her night clothes as punishment and my brother who was older was used as a farm laborer.

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